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Save money with our fully funded packages for both commercial and domestic are now available.
Don’t miss the chance to benefit from our fully funded packages available for Commercial and Domestic owners.

Available for businesses only
The PPA is specific funding which allows companies to install sustainable energy solutions with no up-front costs and with the added benefit of having the system fully maintained.
This method guarantees no upfront costs or ongoing maintenance fees. Energy prices are locked in for up to 25 years, rising only in line with inflation, and contracts are fully transferrable should the property ever be sold during the contract period.
The primary benefits include:
- No upfront costs – clients simply benefit from reduced electricity rates, enabling them to save money on energy
- Payment is only made on electricity that is produced and used each month
- Typical initial electricity bill savings of approximately 15-30% from day one, increasing annually as energy prices from the grid supplier is increased
Once you understand the options available to make your home or business generate sustainable energy you may wish to fund the projects yourself. If so, you can benefit not only from significant savings but also have the opportunity to generate additional income from the Government’s Feed In Tariff (FIT).
The benefits of such systems include:
- Export tariff – This is paid on each unit of electricity which is generated, not consumed, then “exported” back to the grid
- Consumption Offset – Simply put, this is how much you will save by generating your own electricity as opposed to buying from grid or energy suppliers

Domestic home owners can fund this energy products from our finance option which provides you with a monthly affordable payments over a period of time.
All this under the FCA approved products. Commercails buildings can be funded from our approved funding models to suit your needs and all under the FCA guidelines.