Community Energy in the UK
GDEA is proud to support Community Energy, a non-profit, government backed scheme which helps tenants, private residents and landlords save between 20% and 25% off their electricity bills with no cost.
Focus on better energy efficiency
Households in the UK are facing a future of rising energy costs. Community Energy can reduce the costs by focusing on better energy efficiency. This will ensure long term energy management, providing equipment upgrades and installations of the following systems.

Air Source Heat Pump
• Provide new, fully funded low carbon heating system with long term free maintenance which provides significant savings.
• Considerable savings compared to oil, liquid petroleum gas and electric.
• Covered by subsidies and there are no maintenance costs.
• Homes with Off-grid heating can benefit from the Air Source Heat Pump Solution.

Solar Energy
• The average size of domestic solar system is 3.5 to 4kwp to maximise savings.
• The price of the solar energy is agreed in a power purchase agreement and billed as part of a single energy bill by the Community Energy provider, making it clear and easy for the customer to understand.
• Save 25% or more on home electric bills compared to the standard tariff

Energy Storage
• Install Batteries to ensure that 80% of solar generated is used internally providing extra savings.
• Use Economy 7 or even better extra low night rates to provide the optimum financial result.
Community Energy - Special Purpose Vehicles & Electric Vehicle Charging Points:
• Grid tariff, billing, collection provided by Energy Manager in a single bill.
• The Energy Manager will introduce new products and services over the coming years to improve energy efficiency and savings for Householders including battery storage and Electric Vehicle charge points, this will also enhance the residential Energy Performance Certificates to show better energy efficiency ratings.
• When Electric Vehicles are parked, the batteries can be used to let electricity flow from the car to the electric distribution network and back. This creates a vehicle to grid system by either returning electricity to the grid or by reducing their charging rate.
The Model
The Community Energy Model works because the government can use the subsidies from the Solar feed in tariff and export tariff to ensure continued investment in new technology to constantly provide increased savings for the customer.
This along with revenue generated from the Power purchase agreement means that the customers energy can be managed over the 20-year term of the scheme to ensure bills are around 20% to 25% cheaper than normal electricity prices.
These savings mean the scheme is built to adapt to future customer needs from increased electricity usage from the purchase of more electric cars to replacing outdated equipment such as old gas boilers with clean energy solutions.
In Summary the Community Energy Scheme helps Home owners, Social Housing tenants & Private Landlords, improve their EPC rating, reduce carbon emissions (a council requirement) and reduce fuel prices.